by M. J. Severn
My orisons, though odious, are erudite
Tinctured with the covenants I write
Regarding you, in your baddest light
With supernumerary betrayals to shrive
My cognisance was the one who writ,
My delineated damsel the one who died,
I made his rue my greatest hit.
My friend who swam in my sonorous
Comfort, cleansing himself of the onerous
Kiss he coaxed to conquer us,
Egregious gob biting me bonkers
Still I savoured, even sang of, his arrogance
Such minims of minute lust
Lasting in my metrical heart of harridan.
You may libel me an elegiac tramp
Mutate my love into a reading lamp
Of glaring intimacy, I know you sank
Into her deaf hands, loyalty gone lank
So my melisma, rich upon our meeting,
Falls flat on its back as redolent skank
In a violent vrombir of weeping.
Trobairitz tears possess a prowess
Which concubines’ sloth cannot guess
Troubadours serenade their odalisque
As we hum into the bed’s regress
Vengeance voluble and voluptuous,
I sing until his coda’s breath
Time-travels and touches us.
I once snogged your savagery
With limber lyric lacking forgery
You spat akimbo on my ancestral tree
Slandered my seduction as sorcery
Ignored the nobility of birth
Which once usurped your anatomy,
I uttered undulations until it hurt.
My melody monopolising his history;
I made his moans my greatest work.
Trobairitz is the titular poem of M. J.'s debut poetry pamphlet. Purchase it now:
